Truth without Charity? Not a Chance!

truthcharity-e1532095436348.jpgThough I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. (Passage Link: I Corinthians 13: 1-3)

Many of us are so good at being religious that we spend more time polishing our crown and our religious attitude than we do actually evangelizing the lost. We are never called to be religious just simply servants. He set the greatest example in the upper room the night of his betrayal when he washed the feet of the disciples. He said, but he that is greatest among shall be your servant.

We are to love one another and remember all the while that it was God who so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son to die for it. We can’t be religious and not have love; otherwise everything we do is in vain.

If you want to add more depth to your spirit try loving people’s souls as much as you do your own. Try loving their heart as much as you do your own. Share with them the only true love there is to be had and that’s the love Jesus has for them. Don’t be judgmental of people, killing them, making them despise anything with a religious label on it. We are living in a very difficult day where many religious groups are labeled as HATERS. We supposedly hate gays, drug abusers, prostitutes, and every person that hasn’t got a religious background like us. We don’t hate them we hate the sin and the effects it has on mankind. Where’s your compassion tonight, where’s the mercy you so willingly accept from the Lord, where’s the love and charity that will take your walk with God from being like tinkling brass and a sounding cymbal to something far deeper and more powerful?

Is it possible to have truth without charity? God says NO!

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute.  One Minute Spiritual Sermonettes and Sermon Ideas  for Busy Christians, Pastors, Teachers, and Bible Students!  Visit our ABOUT PAGE  for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you.  Rev. RD Mangold

"The Kingdom of Heaven" Brought to You by Jesus

And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.  Matthew 10:7

When Jesus Christ showed up, He quite literally brought the Kingdom of Heaven to mankind. Blinded eyes were open. Deaf ears unstopped. Handicapped made to walk. The dead brought back to life. Though taking place in the physical first, after the infilling of the Holy Spirit He would also open the spiritually blinded eyes, deaf ears, create a new walk, and give us life eternal! Indeed, the Kingdom of Heaven was attainable!

The Sadducees and Pharisees thought they had the Kingdom of Heaven on lockdown with their rules and regulations, fines, tariffs, and penalties, but Jesus said, “except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:20)

Jesus came to pay the dearest of all prices – He gave His life to redeem you and me. Making the Kingdom of Heaven achievable! Friend, if you’re looking for love, hope, and purpose in your life, the Kingdom of Heaven is closer than you think…it’s at hand. Christ came to bring us life and that life more abundantly. Hope in this life and in the life to come, saying He went away to prepare a place for YOU!

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute. A one minute spiritual pick-me-up for busy Christians!  Visit this POST for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you. Rodger Mangold

God's View Inside vs. Man's View Outside

But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart. I Samuel 16:7

When reading this text we could view man’s inability to see through to the heart as a negative; it’s not – it’s a reality. When God looks on the heart, only He can fairly judge the “thoughts and intents of the heart.” But, man is not helpless in making some judgment calls.

On several occasions the bible indicates man’s judgment is based on what he sees outwardly. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always tell the whole story if our intent is to mask our true feelings. Good or bad our outward appearance tells a story.

Even Jesus indicated this by saying, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works (outward appearance – my addition), and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matt. 5:16).” In other words, what you do reflects your relationship (or lack thereof) with your Heavenly Father.

Next time you feel it doesn’t matter what you do, and people shouldn’t judge based on the things you say and the choices you make – remember, man looks on the outward; it’s the only way he can judge your character. There may be some bias, but it’s a reality even God knows exists. The best way to be properly judged by both God and man is to ensure both your heart and your actions align properly with God’s perfect will!  

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute. A one minute spiritual pick-me-up for busy Christians!  Visit this POST for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you. Rodger Mangold

A Daring God

For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:6-8

Who doesn’t have a hero to look up to in life who has braved challenges and come through – some victorious in this life, others having gone on to meet their reward in the Life to come.

Stories of survival – be it from illness, danger, or tragedy, those brave souls who “dared” put their fears to the side and face head-on the challenges they were presented with, inspire us all.

For Christians, Jesus braved impossible circumstance as He “dared”…

  • To robe himself in flesh and walk amongst his creation
  • To be tempted in all points like we are,
  • To be wrongfully accused…
  • To be beaten and broken for our sin!
  • To face Death, Hell, and the Grave and take back the Keys!

Despite coming to His own, and not being welcomed…

Despite humanity’s propensity for cruelty, wickedness, and sin…God dared to love us when we were unlovable!

God dared to give even when our capacity to receive had yet to be realized.

Knowing the lengths to which God went to prove His love for you…

Knowing He dared to love you…

Won’t you dare to love HIM today with all your soul, mind and strength?

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute. A one minute spiritual pick-me-up for busy Christians!  Visit this POST for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you. Rodger Mangold

Changing the Unchangable?

My son, fear thou the Lord and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change: For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knows the ruin of them both? (Proverbs 24:21-22)

What brings a man or a woman to the point of lowering their guard on God’s mandates? What burning insatiable desire in mankind causes us to spin and take an “about face” stance on issues that before were nonnegotiable? Simply put…PRIDE!

No longer in pursuit of God’s sanctioning, preferring rather the approval of our fellow man, we insist on our intellect, we impose our position, we conspire to retire the essence, the anointing, the power, and the favor! Much like Uzzah, who touched the Ark of the Covenant, so too does mankind touch and tarnish, desire to desecrate, foundational truths. It seems everything we touch, we contaminate with our pride, our preferences, and prejudices.

God is God – He doesn’t change! But, some change can be good when we “decrease” and God “increases.” But, if the catalyst for change is based in self satisfaction or personal preference, we put our plans above God’s and we destabilize those over which we have influence. Uzzah thought he was stabilizing the Ark, when in reality he was indicating his ideas and mode of transport for God’s anointing were superior to God’s commandments. The outcome cost Uzzah his life, and disrupted the flow of God’s anointing and favor to the entire nation of Israel!

The Art of the Rebound

Wilt Chamberlain holds the NBA record for the most REBOUNDS leading the NBA in rebounds in 11 different seasons, and has the most career rebounds in the regular season (23,924), the highest career average (22.9 rpg).

Watching a basketball game, you quickly realize that just as important as getting the ball in the hoop is when you miss the hoop, catching the REBOUND!

The Bible is chocked full of examples of REBOUNDS. Naturally they’re not labeled as such, but we can learn as much from Biblical REBOUNDS as we can Basketball – i.e. Samson, Moses, David, and even Peter, Paul, and Onesimus.

Proverbs 24:16 tells us, “A just man falls seven times, and rises up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.”

Our modern vernacular says, “A just man falls seven times, and REBOUNDS again. By not getting back up, you’ve only shown you’re shallow and lack maturity. In fact, NOT getting back up is considered not just failure, but in Proverbs’ terms…the WICKED are the ones that DON’T get back up!

The true mark of your success is not in never having fallen; it’s most assuredly in the fact that you HAVE fallen, and taken the REBOUND and getting back in the game!

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute. A one minute spiritual pick-me-up for busy Christians!  Visit this POST for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you. Rodger Mangold

Righteous Enough to Get Your Prayers Answered?

If you’ve ever prayed God would perform the miraculous for you, you know what it’s like to hope with all that lies within you that God will answer. Of course, there are times God is silent and our request is seemingly denied. But, we’re quick to quote, “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much;” almost as if to say, if we’re “righteous enough” God will take up our cause. But, can we truly determine how righteous we are by twisting God’s arm?

There was never a greater righteous man than Christ. Every time He called upon heaven His prayers were answered; blinded eyes opened, deaf ears unstopped, raging seas tamed, and the dead resurrected. Christ’s track record was stellar. However, in his darkest hour in the Garden of Gethsemane, feeling the impending doom, Christ prayed three times, “Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but thy will be done.” Yet he still had to drink the “bitter cup.” Today, don’t be discouraged by unanswered requests. Humanity was afforded salvation and redemption when Christ set aside his own humanity and prayed, “Father, thy will be done.”

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute. A one minute spiritual pick-me-up for busy Christians!  Visit this POST for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you. Rodger Mangold


In every dark valley…He’s the Lily of my Valley
In every darkest hour before dawn…He’s my Bright and Morning Star
In every dry, arid desert land…He is my Dayspring from on high
When I’m sorrowing…He’s my Comforter
When I need direction…He’s my Guide
When I need understanding…He’s my Counselor
When I’m in turmoil…He’s my Prince of Peace
When I’ve sinned…He’s my Advocate with the Father…Jesus Christ the Righteous!

By Guest Author Rev. James Willoughby is an Evangelist and Bible Teacher, as well as a published author. His teaching ministry, Focal Points carries him into many different venues. Emphasizing…discipleship training, small group development, structures and strategies for leadership, and ministry mentoring for young men and women. His evangelistic ministry has been blessed of God with great anointing, and powerful demonstration of the Spirit in healings and miracles as he ministers the Word of Faith. View all posts by jswilloughby →

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute. A one minute spiritual pick-me-up for busy Christians!  Visit this POST for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you. Rodger Mangold

Weatherproof Your Christian Walk

The gale force winds of violence and uncertainty, the tumultuous storms of life, and the crashing thunder of moral collapse; all require protection from the elements. Thankfully, God has given us “a garment of salvation, and covered us with the robe of righteousness!” [Isa. 61:10] Mom had it right all these years. Never go outside without a coat on…this world can be a bitter and cold place.

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute. A one minute spiritual pick-me-up for busy Christians!  Visit this POST for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you. Rodger Mangold