Making More Out of Our Children

MakingChildrenWhile Woodrow Wilson was president of Princeton University (1902-1910), he is reported to have made this speech to a group of parents. (Source Link: Holman Old Testament Commentary)

I get many letters from you parents about your children. You want to know why we people up here in Princeton can’t make more out of them and do more for them. Let me tell you the reason we can’t. It may shock you just a little, but I am not trying to be rude. The reason is that they are your sons, reared in your homes, blood of your blood, bone of your bone. They have absorbed the ideals of your homes. You have formed and fashioned them. They are your sons. In those malleable, moldable years of their lives you have forever left your imprint upon them. 

Our 28th President of the United States seems to have struck a nerve and verbalized what every good Sunday School teacher, preacher, and pastor has been saying for years – We can only do so much in the time we’re given at church. As parents we could unrealistically expect our pastors and teachers to miraculously do in a couple of hours a week, what we fail to do with the remainder of our time with our children.

Training up a child in the way he should go takes a commitment. Trainers must train themselves as well. If we’re inadequately training ourselves to be good Christians, how could we even think we’re equipped to train our children. The best way to train them? By example. Children will follow our lead…good or bad. Make each moment count with them and don’t expect your pastor to do it in just one or two services a week. The investment your make in your child doesn’t impact just them, but generations to come; for the promise is unto you AND your children. 

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