God's Order or Ours?

What glorious paths can be ours when we tap into, and allow God’s Order to become our own! From the beginning we can see that our God is indeed a God of order. He is NOT chaotic, but very methodical; structuring our world from the very seed out…to include all of life that is. And placing within that seed that which will sustain and propagate life through the ages.

The Problem comes when we, that is Man, begins to worship the order over the God of the order (in his search of an image). And when God does not grace us with His Presence, due to our sins, or whatever…we (like Saul) take it upon ourselves to do it on our own. We order the thing and present “our thing” as “God’s thing” and try to manipulate, dominate and coerce others into it, with a great degree of exclusivity involved. (After all, IT IS, ‘our thing’) and we end up with something that kinda resembles God…and yet, not at all. For at its heart it is corrupt and flesh based.

By Guest Author Rev. James Willoughby is an Evangelist and Bible Teacher, as well as a published author. His teaching ministry, Focal Points carries him into many different venues. Emphasizing…discipleship training, small group development, structures and strategies for leadership, and ministry mentoring for young men and women. His evangelistic ministry has been blessed of God with great anointing, and powerful demonstration of the Spirit in healings and miracles as he ministers the Word of Faith. View all posts by jswilloughby →

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute. A one minute spiritual pick-me-up for busy Christians!  Visit this POST for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you. Rodger Mangold

God's Missing Children

“Your child is missing!” Words no parent ever wants to hear. With the advent of one gallon plastic milk containers, and on-the-fly breakfasts, one may not recall at one time the American breakfast table included cereal and cardboard milk containers with pictures of missing children. A heart-wrenching reminder that somewhere a child was not enjoying breakfast with their parents because they were lost or abducted…or worse!

Jesus was adamant about keeping his flock complete asking, “What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?” (Luke 15:4)

You may be enjoying the green pastures and still waters of an impressively large congregation. But, our Good Shepherd is fixated on the empty pews. Sure, He loves all those that are present in the safety of the fold, but the heart of our Heavenly Father aches for those faces that are missing from the table He has prepared especially for them. Today, won’t you join the Shepherd in leading that one lost sheep home? After all, at one time we were ALL sheep who had gone astray.

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute. A one minute spiritual pick-me-up for busy Christians!  Visit this POST for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you. Rodger Mangold

Mission "Ant-possible!"

Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Proverbs 6:6

Solomon was contrasting the sluggard with the industrious ant, but as Christians, what’s our take-home message? Have we become like Aesop’s lazy grasshopper, basking in the temporary pleasures of this world, flitting from one blade of grass to another seeking enjoyment and pleasure? Or, are we like the laser-sharp-focused ant who never forgets she’s on “Mission from God?” We’ve been commanded to go into all the world preaching the Gospel of Christ’s Death, Burial and Resurrection. An ant builds a colony, numbering in some cases in the millions. Let’s make God’s Mission, our mission. Let’s work the harvest while it is day, and colonize for the Kingdom of Heaven.

“Serminute” Series – Big Lessons in Small Packages

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute. A one minute spiritual pick-me-up for busy Christians!  Visit this POST for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you. Rodger Mangold

A Friend Named "Failure"

II Cor. 12:9 – And he said unto me [Paul], My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

  • If Failure exposes our weakness…
  • If Failure removes the veneer of pride and selfishness…
  • If Failure causes God’s strength to be perfected in us…
  • If Failure draws us closer to God…

Then Failure is our friend!

These famous people defined their failure as…

  • “Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely.”– Henry Ford

  • “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”– Thomas Edison

  • If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down.”– Mary Pickford

  • “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

The Answer is IN You

We keep looking for the answers to come from outside us, but God promised Eve that her “seed” would deliver her!  What God births FROM US is the thing that will deliver us!  “OUT OF YOUR BELLY shall flow RIVERS of living water!

Eve believed God’s Word SO much when she bore a son, She said, I’ve gotten a “man” from God.  Her faith was that this child was her Promise!  Every time she birthed a son she had the hope this could be the One who would destroy the thing destroying her…Her “seed”…Whatever God speaks into you…His Word CANNOT FAIL, IT WILL COME TO PASS!

 ~ From T.D. Jakes’ sermon, The Blood Speaks

From Guest Author Rev. James Willoughby is an Evangelist and Bible Teacher, as well as a published author. His teaching ministry, Focal Points carries him into many different venues. Emphasizing…discipleship training, small group development, structures and strategies for leadership, and ministry mentoring for young men and women. His evangelistic ministry has been blessed of God with great anointing, and powerful demonstration of the Spirit in healings and miracles as he ministers the Word of Faith. View all posts by jswilloughby →

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute. A one minute spiritual pick-me-up for busy Christians!  Visit this POST for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you. Rodger Mangold

"Mom, You're Gonna Be Alright!"

When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home. John 19:26 – 27

On this Mother’s Day, and every day, it would behoove sons and daughters everywhere to set aside the tanked economy, the war on terror, the latest political scandals, the rising gas prices, and the sheer stress of life, to ensure the women who are responsible for our births into this world are acknowledged, thanked, and appreciated for their selfless sacrifice and dedication. In this passage it’s as if Jesus was saying, “Mom, you’re gonna be alright.” If Jesus took the time while carrying the weight of the world’s salvation on his battered shoulders to entrust the care of his mother to one of his most trusted disciples, surely we could take the time to daily entrust the care of our mothers to our Heavenly Father through prayer, love, and support. May all our lives as sons and daughters pay fitting tribute to the precious lady we call, “Mom.”

My Promise Is NOT for the Birds

And when the fowls came down upon the carcasses, Abram drove them away. Gen. 15:11

Abram called God out about the promises He made about his future. Confirming His Word, God told Abraham to prepare a sacrifice; his answer is on the way. Soon vultures dove in to devour his sacrifice, but Abram “drove them away” until the Word of God arrived.

When God gives you a promise, and you’ve made the necessary sacrifice, the enemy is quick to swoop in to consume it. Have FAITH in God’s Promises, and prepare to resist the devouring doubts and fears until your promise comes to pass! Your promise isn’t for the birds!


In every dark valley…He’s the Lily of my Valley
In every darkest hour before dawn…He’s my Bright and Morning Star
In every dry, arid desert land…He is my Dayspring from on high
When I’m sorrowing…He’s my Comforter
When I need direction…He’s my Guide
When I need understanding…He’s my Counselor
When I’m in turmoil…He’s my Prince of Peace
When I’ve sinned…He’s my Advocate with the Father…Jesus Christ the Righteous!

By Guest Author Rev. James Willoughby is an Evangelist and Bible Teacher, as well as a published author. His teaching ministry, Focal Points carries him into many different venues. Emphasizing…discipleship training, small group development, structures and strategies for leadership, and ministry mentoring for young men and women. His evangelistic ministry has been blessed of God with great anointing, and powerful demonstration of the Spirit in healings and miracles as he ministers the Word of Faith. View all posts by jswilloughby →

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute. A one minute spiritual pick-me-up for busy Christians!  Visit this POST for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you. Rodger Mangold

The Unrelenting Rizpah

To no fault of their own, Rizpah’s 2 sons were hanged; their bodies left to feed the wild beasts. Parents, if you’re facing the trauma of a child who’s ravaged by the repercussions  of sin, take Rizpah’s tenacity to heart! At great peril to herself, this courageous mother stood guard over her sons’ corpses. God is merciful and not willing that any perish, but calls us to repent. Where’s there’s life, there’s hope! Others may give up on your child, and believe all hope is lost, but praying parents can fend off any attack from the enemy of their souls. NO ONE can pray for your child like YOU CAN Mom and Dad!

Scripture: And Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth, and spread it for her upon the rock, from the beginning of harvest until water dropped upon them out of heaven, and suffered neither the birds of the air to rest on them by day, nor the beasts of the field by night. 2 Sam. 21:10

“Serminutes” – Sermon in a Minute. A one minute spiritual pick-me-up for busy Christians!  Visit this POST for details on what exactly that is. Thank you for visiting today! May the Lord richly bless you. Rodger Mangold

Serminutes – "500" is the "New 200"

We’re evolving here folks! We’re doing our level best to confine our creativity and miniaturize our messages, but as we advance we’re seeing a need to broaden our definition a “tad” further. We’re going from a “character count” (500 or less) to now a “word count” format which will be 200 words or less. It’s still a nugget, and well below the “long-winded” writing I’ve been known to do in the past. So, since these are self-imposed guidelines, I’m expanding slightly, but my over all “ONE MINUTE” Mission has not changed. Serminutes – Sermon in a Minute. Thank you for reading and God bless!